Road trips are such a magical way to explore an area. We’re huge fans of hitting the road and going exploring. Some times it’s for days on end and other times just a few hours down the road to visit family and friends. There’s just something truly special and unique about spending time with someone you love (or don’t even like that much) in a car and watching the miles roll away.
Our road trips tend to flow the same way. Coffee-car-dogs- explore. Be amazing. You know really easy and super fun? Well so it seems to us. Talking to others recently, it came about that a lot of you find road trips to be tedious and difficult. So here are a few little things that can help make your road trip that little bit easier.

Re-Usable Coffee Cup
Coffee (or any hot beverage of your choice) is royalty in the road trip world. It’s amazing how even after a rough nights sleep, having to find the bathroom in the middle of the night and having freezing cold toes, how a nice hot beverage can make you happy. So do yourself and the environment a favour and get a re-usable coffee cup.

Warm Jacket
Jackets are marvelous creations. Second only to coffee and sliced bread. Not only can they look incredibly stylish they also keep your boobs warm. Which let’s admit is a really important function of a jacket. A good quality, comfortable jacket is worth it’s weight in gold. There’s nothing worse then the midnight pee run at a campsite and you’re trying to find a bra or a pair of pants. Jackets also double up as sleeping bags, hidey holes and pillows.
I’m in love with my Delfiphine jacket from the lovely folks at Mountain Design. This is my sleeping bag jacket. It’s been a wonder on planes, trains and automobiles at keeping me warm, dry and comfortable. The best part? I get to carry coffee with me wherever I go. The worst part? I can’t drink/eat the coffee. This jacket also has lycra ninja cuffs, perfect for keeping the wind off of your wrists as you navigate the chilly weather and try to catch all the Pokemon.

So this should be a no-brainer but it’s probably the number 1 item I forget all the time. And then I end up with a sore neck and spending lots of money at my lovely osteopaths.
The Scrubba Bag
Ain’t no body got time for dirty jocks and socks. I’m totally in love with my Scrubba Bag. It’s made our backpacking van life style oh so much easier. I really have a thing against dirty socks and jocks. Usually taking double the required items so that I never have to experience that feeling. We all need to take care of down there.
The majority of the time we are off camping and/or road tripping there really isn’t a whole heap of room to carry a washing machine or time to stop by a laundromat. So it’s hand washing socks, jocks and what ever else the dogs have gotten dirty in a bathroom sink or wash basin. In comes The Scrubba wash bag. It’s the smallest portable travel washing machine for washing clothes anywhere, anytime for free! Win-win. The little nobbules inside save your hands from doing all the hard scrubbing work.It also does up as an additional dry bag. Double features, clean undies = win win!

Water Bottle
Keeping hydrated is always important. Even if it does mean that you need to do a midnight pee run.
Sunglasses, Lip Balm & Fliflops
Simple things but oh so important. You might think these items are only for the beach but rest assured they should be on your road trip packing list 101! I literally don’t travel anywhere without sunglasses, a spare pair and lip balm. UV protection is oh so very important. No one looks good in squinty eyed, burnt lips photos.
Flipflops or thongs as we like to call them down here, are such versatile little pieces of traveller gear. Great protection against burnt feet, fungus found in communal shower facilities and general laziness with no shoe laces to tie. If you want to be an even better person and member of society why not grab a pair of Moeloco flipflops. Leave an inspirational message in the sand or bathroom grim for the next patron! Also your purchase gives a pair of shoes to a child in need. You can read more on the Moeloco website.

Let us not forget the most important things- Snacks and books! All the road trip snacks with a side serve of decent literature.
Is there anything that we’ve forgotten? Something that you just can’t road trip without? Let us know in the comments below.

Founder, Principal Blogger & Coffee Drinker
Coffee Lover | Travel Blogger | Horse Rider | Adventure Racer | Donut Dame. Generally nice lady-enjoys wine, indie movies & random dance parties in my tent.
Just a little FYI- this article was written in partnership with me and me! Any and all views and opinions expressed are entirely my own based on personal experiences when traveling and are honest and factual without any bias. There are no spammy whore affiliate links here. Any links to websites are for your help only.
That bag is next level! Some really good tips here, I’ll have to remember some for my next roadie 🙂
That Scrubba Bag looks amazing!
Fab tips. I particularly like the idea of a scrubber bag. I must get myself one of these.
You should! They make such a difference. Ask great for storing dirty laundry
Great tips! It makes me wanna go road trippin’ 🙂 I always take my essential oils, as they are really useful for all kinds of ailments.
Oh what sort of essential oils
I get lots of maps. I cannot handle the feeling of being lost.
Great post!!! Its little things like these that make the road trip that much more enjoyable. We often don’t think of them before we set-off, but a little planning never goes astray in travel.
Great tips!!
These are all fantastic tips! I recently did the Pacific Coast Highway road trip in California and I found that quite a few times I needed my jacket. Even though it was summer, it got chilly. So grateful I brought one.
Oh that sounds like an amazing road trip
Great tips! I always bring baby wipes with me on Road trips. They are great for everything!
Oh so true! I now travel with the sea to summit wilderness wipes. They are biodegradable and work wonders