Travel blogging is no longer a lonely lady, living her Eat, Pray Love moment with a laptop and a hidden vibrator in her backpack. The market has changed, the industry has developed and is constantly changing. If you’re in this game you need to be next level amazing. You need to be able to craft yourself beyond the long flowery skirts, the Insta-hars and just doing jobs for exposure.
Being a woman in this industry means more then that one Insta-moment of fame. Female content creators are business women, doing everything and anything behind the screen to make success happen. Financial success, emotional success. All the success. Now is time to lean in and support one another, each year I craft this list of impressive female travel bloggers.
A list of women who haven’t been afraid to tackle the travel blogging industry and make their mark on the world.
In celebration of the 2019 International Women’s Day we are presenting you with our annual most amazing female travel bloggers ;
2019’s Most Amazing 19 Female Travel Bloggers You Need To Know.
How does one get on this list of awesome female travel bloggers?
It’s one of the world greatest mysteries. How does Jean make this list? What can I do the craft myself into an amazing female travel blogger? Well it’s an algorithm more complex than the latest Google update. More secretive then your Nana’s Snapchat account and generally a rather difficult task.
Across the year I look at women who are all round fantastic content creators and business women. These travel blogging ladies are great to connect with in real life and on those ever so important social medias. Think the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram kind realm. Women who are supporting one another, not tearing each other down,
But the most important fact to note is that the women listed here are generally nice lady travellers with a decent side serve of sass. Just the way I like it. You’ll find that the female travel bloggers listed below are raw, honest and transparent in their writings and actions. Which in the travel blogging world can be rather rare to find. There’s no blogger gate happening here. Just amazing women, having amazing adventures and being well pretty f**ken awesome.
Just to be clear – There is no way to buy yourself into this list. Every year I get swamped with emails from March to April with bitches literally begging to be on this list. Which is rather flattering for me, however, this isn’t a list in which we have asked people to nominate themselves. The first time these female bloggers will discover that they are on this list is when I flick them a lady crush email saying Hey look it’s you!
No, these are ladies that are amazing based purely on their own merits. This isn’t a “sexiest” list either. I’m not here to objectify these women based on their age or perceived sexuality. I really don’t care where you sit on the sexuality scale.
So why an all-female list? Well, it isn’t exactly the easiest travelling as a female travel blogger and the month of March we celebrate International Women’s Day! Not to mention that there’s comfortable underwear considerations, safety concerns whether you’re in London, Melbourne or anywhere in between. And let’s not forget the sexual health considerations too. Who really wants to talk about traveling with their period?
Each of the women listed below is incredibly sexy word smith, as sassy as your cat when you try to take a selfie and is a kick ass travel blogger in her own right. Quite a few also run very helpful Facebook groups, giving back to the community for no monetary gain. Thank you to the ladies who run the Facebook groups and support one another.

Brittany K, The Sweet Wanderlust
Travel, desserts and the sweetest Southern Belle you’ll ever get to meet. This is a match made in sugar filled heaven. Brittany is uber cute in her writing and photos. The Sweet Wanderlust chronicles her journey as she searches for the world’s best desserts and greatest adventures. Warning Brittany does have a lot of #foodporn on her Instagram account. You’ve be warned. Don’t go reading this post if you’re hungry.
Sara McCleary, Belly Rumbles
A Sydney-based food and travel blog, Belly Rumbles has continued to grow and evolve into one of Sydney’s most consistent and well known single-voice food and travel blogs. Sara’s blog takes you on a culinary adventure. She’s also up for answering any I stuffed up this cake questions, so don’t be afraid to ask away.

Roxanne, The Tiny Taster
5 foot of delicious hilarity. Roxanne is the Tiny Taster and she really does live up to her name. Travelling around her home country of India and where ever the food trail takes her. She’s one of a kind and well worth watching the Insta stories of her culinary adventures. If you ever get the chance to travel with Roxanne, as she’s recently started offering guided tours, don’t think about the money just hand it over and go for the adventure.
Anje, Going Somewhere Slowly
Anje is a South African based blogger. Writing for her own website, Going Somwhere Slowly, and quite a few national and international publications Anje shows us how to tackle the road, enjoy eating in a poo themed cafe and generally how to enjoy life no matter what lemons are thrown at you. She’s really does show you the truly beautiful hospitality of the South African people.
Congrats to Anje for making this list for the fourth time.

Tomiko, Passports & Grub
Ok so you might realise that I love combining food and travel. Tomiko takes that love to the next level, with a great site that takes you to some odd yet interesting food destinations. Her writing is as full as life as what she is. Again this is another blog not to read if you are hungry.
Jayne, Girl Tweets World
Jayne has such a delightful subtle Brittishness about her blog. A recent departure from the coffee drinking Melbourne lifestyle and recently returned to the mother land to welcome baby Miles to her working team. Jayne is by far one of the friendliest ladies I’ve been fortunate enough to have met on Twitter and connected with at my very first TBEX. She’s openly candid about making her life work as a freelancer and provides brilliant guidance for those wishing to step away from the 9-5 corporate life and embrace the coffee infused freelance life style. Now you can also read about her hilarious adventures into motherhood and travel.

Jean, Traveling Honeybird
Ok so I like me, and this is also a wee bit of a test to see how many of y’all make it this far down the list. You should know by now that I’m a sassy writer, who’s been behind the wheel of this website for nearly 6 years. Meaning I’m old and cranky in blogging years. If you’re not already why not go follow me on Instagram.

Ling, Travel-Ling
Ling is a little pocket rocket of hilarious and one of my regular besties to hassle on Instagram. Much like the other ladies she likes to eat and show you the wonders of travel through eating. Over the past year Ling has deep dived into her home town of Canberra and has almost convinced me that it’s worth visiting. Almost…
Vicki, Make Time To See The World
I don’t know anyone who’s kicked so many amazing goals as Vicki in the past year. This isn’t her first time appearing here and for good reason. Amazing content, helpful content and even better photography. If anyone wants to start a blog then this lady’s site should be the bar that you set yourself. Anything less and why bother?

Erin, Explore with Erin
You may be familiar with this face. After more then a year back in Melbourne, and with her family well and truly settled it’s great to see Erin continuing her travel & lifestyle blog journey. Proving to all mothers that it is possible to work, raise a family and still travel to epic places. Not to mention that sometimes it’s ok to leave the kids at home.
Gemma, Two Scots Abroad
As the name suggest Gemma is one half of Two Scots Abroad. You’ll find her website oozing with generous and useful advise and a very Scottish flair. But the big kudos to Gemma this time around isn’t her funny Scottish accent, or the voice mails she leaves me, but it’s the amazing SEO group that she, along with friend Laura, run. The free guides, the conferences that they teach at. Gemma has taken teacher life to a whole new level.

Toni, Enchanted Serendipity
Toni takes you on some of the most wonderful journeys to places where some of our favourite films and tv shows have been filmed. It’s a rather fun way to see the world in a totally different light. All the while holding down a full time teaching job and actually going to the film locations across the world during school holidays.
Bec, Wyld Family Travel
So not only is Bec a kick-ass female travel blogger herself, she’s currently raising two mini-me versions of herself. Bec is 1/4 of the family that is the Wyld family. The Wyld family are currently on their around the world adventure. I’m still waiting for them to send me a post card.

Kylee, These Foreign Roads
Kylee is hilarious and Canadian. Some days I think that’s one and the same thing. Kylee is a delight to travel with, has hilarious Instagram moments and is a chef by trade. So you know that when her and husband Mark have an Air Bnb going on, there;s going to be some delicious food happening.
Shandos, Travelnuity
Shandos has shown the world how easy it can be to travel with a dog. I love watching where Shandos and Schnitzel go and what they get up to. Schnitzel is such a little character and Shandos happily deals with all his moods, tantrums and recently a long term injury. I was lucky enough to get Schnitz kisses in Europe last year. The dog is adorable and perhaps Shandos owes some of her success to him? Kudos to Shandos for the great traveling with dogs Facebook group she runs.

Alesha, Nomadasaurus
Alesha is one part of the duo over at Nomadasaurus. She’s also the one most likely to be behind the lense. If you’ve seen her work, especially on Instagram, you’ll see why I have a lady crush on Alesha. Super nice, super talented and a whole lot of fun. If you do get the chance to join her own a photography tour, do yourself a favour and go.
Amanda, ARoamerTherapy
Amanda has a very unique outlook on life. Taking each slap in the face with a piece of pie like it’s the norm. You’ll find her blog filled with unfiltered personal travel stories, along with a good dose of tips and advice to help you stay sane and out of hospitals while on the road. Cause staying out of hospital is kinda a good idea. Amanda is also brutally honest on her Instagram stories. Take a peek and see the other side of travelling.

Victoria, Follow Me Away
Ok so I did need to include some amazing Instagram ladies on the list. BUT Victoria does amazing content on her blog, as well as runs a crazily engaged Facebook group which is helping a lot of people come to terms with Instagram and how to improve their photography skills. She’s actually a really nice lady, not the usual Insta-ho that people associate with long skirts, long hair and a great smile.

Penelope, The Fly Away Girl
Penelope is a highly caffeinated Brit with a sometimes excessive sense of wanderlust. She currently lives in Southampton, where she is a full time travel blogger and content creator. But seriously following her stories you wouldn’t know she gets around so much. I couldn’t not have another coffee loving lady on this list!
Woo hoo. Congratulations to everyone who made the list this year. Seriously I love you all and can’t wait to see what adventures you take on in 2019. Whilst I have a total lady crush on these ladies, this isn’t a fully comprehensive list. It can’t be. There are far too many of you, who I love working with, travelling with and reading your blogs. It’s just well I really like symmetry, so 2019 – 19 top female travel bloggers just kinda works for me.
Check out the 2017 top lady bloggers and 2018 top female travel & lifestyle bloggers.
Do you feel as if I’ve left anyone off this list? Is there an amazing female travel blogger that you think I should check out for the 2020 list? Let me know in the comments below. Now don’t be a misery Mavis and try to nominate yourself. This list does not work in that way – self nomination is a no no no!

Founder, Principal Blogger & Coffee Drinker
Coffee Lover | Travel Blogger | Horse Rider | Adventure Racer | Donut Dame. Generally nice lady-enjoys wine, indie movies & random dance parties in my tent.
Just a teeny tiny note on affiliate links – We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. We’re also a member of a few others and may make a bit of coin on the side, this is at no extra cost to you.
You’re hilarious – love the list and the intro but most of all that you grumpy old self is appearing in the list too! Also, I would prefer to hide behind a Pumpkin Latte right now but am in good ol Spain at the moment, where all they serve is sangria, so I’ll do this instead for not being included 😉 olé
This is super awesome. I just followed every single one on facebook- oh lord, awaiting the flooded timeline! But also stoked to see the stuff you guys are working on. Thanks Jean!
Right backatcha pal. Awesome list. Particular kudos to These Foreign Roads for their hilarious Instagram Stories spamming they hit me with. Have a ball in Nepal!
Oh Aunty Jean how we love you! I have a feeling my youngest will feature on this list in the future outdoing me by miles! It is an awesome list of awesome ladies and proud to be with them all.
P. S. Postcard will be sent to country manor for you to pick up!
What a great list. Many faces/blogs I’m not familiar with.